Profile picture Benjamin Cates he/him Irvine, CA



AntLogic is a complex logic gate puzzle game built to enhance students' understanding of boolean logic. Example puzzles include simple puzzles that teach concepts like DeMorgan's law and functional completeness, to intricate puzzles that require more advanced knowledge of boolean functions. Collaborated on this project at IrvineHacks 2024 with Yousef Khan and Jackson Podgorski.

Technologies Used

  • Rust (Actix HTTP Server)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • React Spring
  • React Flow
  • Figma
  • Firebase auth



  • Leaderboard
  • User authentication system
  • Logic gate library
  • Animated components

What I Contributed

  • Backend auth and leaderboard
  • SVG component designs
  • Circuit evaluation algorithm
  • Puzzle prompts
  • Page styling
